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Learning assortment through microlearning.

The challenge
Characteristics of the question
Little time to learn Increase knowledge of products Learning according to fixed structure

Learning mobile-first products through microlearning

For employees of ANWB stores, we developed a series of brain snacks about the various products they sell.
By dividing learning into short learning interventions of up to ten minutes, it is easier to process the information and employees are better able to advise customers by product group.
The brainsnacks were developed mobile-first, to make learning as accessible as possible.

The result
What does it provide?
Increased knowledge of assortment Small learning interventions for higher returns Learning with the smartphone

Small learning interventions following fixed structure

Each brainsnack focuses on one topic.
The topics are presented according to a set structure: first the information, then an exercise and then a short test question.
Participants thus learn the important information about the products they sell in a structured and recognizable way.
As a result, they are better able to give advice in different situations.

Maximise potential...
...with microlearning!
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