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We are inBrain.

Knock, knock. Who's there?

Partner in consulting, developing and creating learning solutions with impact!

Designing and developing creative, inspiring and remarkable digital learning solutions. That is what makes our hearts beat faster. And that can be anything: e-learning modules, virtual reality (VR), apps, serious games, learning platforms (LMS), learning campaigns, blended learning pathways. We figure out what best suits your learning needs and your target audience.

We work not only for, but with you: you are a content expert in your field, and we add our didactic and technical expertise to that. Together we will create the learning solution that appropriately answers your learning question. When you start working with inBrain, you will certainly get to know our fresh and cheerful team of educationalists, designers, animators, project managers and developers. So prepare…

We could write paragraphs full of what we all get excited about, but that will be a very long read. Besides, we are a lot more fun in real life than on paper! Don’t you think so? Take a call or stop by on the ‘seventh’.

Our team
Filter by function
Accountmanagers Designers Developers Digital learning specialists Marketing en events Projectmanagers

Sjors Digital Learning Specialist
Sterre Project Manager
Thiemen Digital Designer + illustrator
Maarten Account Manager
Bart Digital Motion Designer
Sebastiaan Managing Director
Marleen Digital Learning Specialist
Kris Developer
Marco Developer
Lennard Account Manager
Melinda Project Manager
Maurice Project Manager
Felicia Digital Learning Specialist
Mercedes Project Manager
Ivo Digital Learning Specialist
Robin Digital Learning Specialist
Sander Developer
Franke Account Manager
Your picture here? Check our vacancies
Maaike Digital Learning Specialist
Hermen Digital Learning Specialist + Developer
Georghy Digital (UX) designer
Kim Marketing & Events
Dewi Developer
Teun Digital Learning Specialist
Fleur Digital Learning Specialist
Suzanne Digital Learning Specialist
Our vacancies

Yes! There you are.

Check out our open positions below. We are curious about you and your talents. Is there no suitable vacancy for you among them, but are you sure you would be a reinforcement for our team? If so, please be sure to get in touch.

Digital Learning Specialist Office manager Accountmanager Open application
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