Apply Mulder Law in practice with realistic case studies
How can we introduce new employees at CJIB’s Information Center to their new job in a motivating way?
We set to work with that question from the Central Judicial Collection Agency.
People who have a question about their received fine can call the Information Center (IC) for more information.
Employees of the IC try to help as best they can, within the framework of the Mulder Act.
New employees usually have no background in the industry, so you want to introduce them step-by-step to both the law and work practices.
It’s right up our alley.
Interactive e-learning as start of onboarding process
If you’re just starting out in a new workplace, you don’t want to be overloaded with theory and complicated laws and regulations right away.
The Mulder Act module is therefore as practical as possible.
Participants receive four ‘phone calls’ from fictitious personas, each with a common question about a received fine.
For example, what should you do if you can’t pay a fine?
Or how can you appeal if you disagree with the fine?
While going through the practical cases, participants receive information in an accessible way about the legal rules involved in the example situation.
Theory is thus supportive of practice, so that the focus for the participant is on correctly handling the telephone call.
The Mulder Act module is the first step of a more extensive onboarding process within CJIB.
In addition to the e-learning, new IC employees attend a physical meeting, interview skills training and receive personal coaching from a mentor, among other things.
With the additional onboarding components in mind, we were able to determine together with the CJIB which information was a must within the module and which information would be addressed later in the onboarding process.
By thinking in advance about the structure of information within the broader onboarding process, new employees can get used to their new job in a low-threshold way, without immediately running into a cognitive overload of information.
Audio clips mimic practice as realistically as possible
‘Telephone conversations’ with fictional personas are simulated in the module through short audio clips.
The participant conducts the entire conversation and has to follow all the required steps: from picking up the phone correctly to identifying the caller to giving the right advice.
In this way, participants learn not only how to handle questions correctly in terms of content, but also how to adopt a customer-oriented attitude when conducting a conversation.
After each audio clip, the participant is given the choice of how to respond to the caller.
Using constructive feedback, the participant knows right away if this was the right response or if different advice is recommended.
To keep learning approachable and motivating as well as to give a feeling of “warm welcome,” a friendly, welcoming tone-of-voice and the use of humor are included in the learning solution.
Looking for an approachable way to onboard your new employees?
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