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Vibrant laws and regulations.

Air France-KLM
Serious game E-learning
The challenge
Characteristics of the question
Existing training did not achieve goals Broad audience with diverse roles Bringing laws and regulations to life

E-learning with game elements for different audiences

How can you offer laws and regulations to different audiences in an attractive and learning effective way?
A question from Air France-KLM that we knew how to answer.
Existing training was perceived as dry and boring, had a four-hour lead time, and participants were presented with information that was not always relevant to their role.
We transformed the lesson material into a 40-minute role-specific e-learning.
The use of game elements makes the e-learning attractive and surprising to follow.

The result
What does it provide?
Game elements increase learning experience Personalized learning Time and cost saving Hands-on learning with recognizable examples

Hands-on learning with examples by role

Participants go through several levels, where the emphasis is on practice. The e-learning contains as little plain text as possible and focuses on learning through recognizable examples. Participants practice with realistic cases, thus making the link between the material taught and daily work practice immediately. Participants choose which audience they belong to and thus are provided only content that is relevant and recognizable to their role. In this way, people feel drawn to the subject matter and motivation to learn grows. The game elements in the e-learning make the subject of laws and regulations (which many people perceive as dry and boring) come alive.

The result
What does it provide?

Annual knowledge test saves time and money

Air France-KLM employees are required to train their knowledge annually.
With the revamped e-learning, they do not have to go through the entire course material each year, but instead test participants’ current knowledge of the subject interactively.
Only if they fail this test will they repeat the module.
The learning campaign reduces costs for the client and reduces the time participants spend keeping up with knowledge.
Meanwhile, the level of knowledge on this important component remains up to date.

Maximise potential
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