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Blended learning path puts sustainability on the map.

Serious game Animation Blended learning E-learning Learning Campaign
The challenge
Characteristics of the question
Very broad target group Encouraging dialogue among employees Combining online and offline learning

Blended learning program puts sustainability on employees’ minds

Sustainability is one of the most relevant topics of our time, but how can you use digital learning solutions to get employees on board with your organization’s sustainability goals?
FrieslandCampina is deploying a blended learning program to make employees compliant with the organization’s sustainability goals.
The learning program combines a story-based e-learning module with a blended Team Dialogue game.
Employees reflect on their personal impact and engage with each other on ways to promote sustainability within the organization.

The result
What does it provide?
Blended learning path with game elements Sustainability on the map of entire organization Deployment of 3D animation for special learning experience

Increased awareness in recognizable setting

In the interactive e-learning, participants step into the role of FrieslandCampina’s Sustainability Director. In different places around the world, they are introduced to initiatives and actions that promote sustainability within the organization. From their temporary role, participants make impactful choices. In this way, they learn to think about the subject and the role that both FrieslandCampina and the employee themselves can play in promoting sustainability. Participants feel engaged and motivated, through the visually appealing module and through the use of animations, diverse work formats and a look-and-feel that matches FrieslandCampina’s corporate identity.

The result
What does it provide?

Stimulating dialogue with online and offline learning formats

In addition to the module, employees participate in Team Dialogue: a digitally facilitated game played physically. Dilemmas, assessment exercises and quiz questions encourage participants to engage in dialogue with each other and think about initiatives that increase sustainability within the organization. This blended learning program makes sustainability top-of-mind and gets employees thinking about the next step. The combination of e-learning and the Team Dialogue allows participants to think about sustainability in different ways and ensures that the topic really comes to life within the organization.

Maximise potential ...
With a blended learning program!
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