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At the desk of...

Bart Oude Elferink.

Bart Digital Motion Designer
About "At the desk of:

In the ‘At the desk of’ section, answers
an inBrainer five questions to ask him/her
to know better.

Maybe you already know us, having worked with us for years. You may have no idea who works at inBrain. Our team is what makes us unique, which is why we like to tell a little more about the people behind the products!

This time we introduce you to Bart Oude Elferink, Digital Motion Designer at inBrain.

How do we see your personality reflected in your work?

‘My personality is INT-J (Introvert-iNtuitive-Thinker-Judger). In practice, this manifests itself in tenacity, creativity, imaginativeness and determination. I prefer an organized and controlled work week! Give me a deadline and the necessary tools, and I’ll get to work.

What did you want to be in the past and what do you see from that in your work today?

‘I always wanted to be an inventor as a little toddler and when I got a little older I wanted to be a filmmaker. I think in the role of video animator I was able to combine both of those. I can create the players in my videos myself and then tell my story with them.’

What is missing from the inBrain office that you have at home (or vice versa)?

‘We still miss a good corner sofa in the office! I love corner sofas with a TV at hand. But maybe that’s just not a good idea, because then I don’t think much more will come of animating. The racing chair we have hanging from the Playstation in the office, I would then give it a place in my house again.

How would you describe your job to a 5-year-old child?

‘Very brief, but I make cartoons for adult-school.’

What is your favorite snack on Fry-day?

‘I recently discovered the frikandel burger. Now to convince my colleagues, at least they’re not in the freezer at inBrain headquarters yet!

More about Bart


I specialize in producing (video) presentations and animations that properly illustrate the idea or operation behind a concept, service or product. After my training in Audiovisual Design, I successfully completed the Bachelor of Communication & Multimedia Design and thus I am also at home in the field of interactive media design.


I prefer to bite into a cool animation where I also get the personal space to try new things. At inBrain, I am primarily involved in adding animated elements to learning modules and creating animated videos that introduce or clarify the subject matter.

Bart - Digital Motion Designer

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