Maybe you already know us, having worked with us for years.
Maybe you have no idea who works at inBrain.
Our team is what makes us unique, which is why we’d like to tell you a little more about the people behind the products!
This time we introduce you to Lennard Meijer, account manager at inBrain.
What hidden talent do you have?
Coming up with creative solutions quickly. When faced with a problem or issue, I always see multiple ways to deal with it. I therefore like to be able to be flexible during a process in order to respond to new insights.
What is the best product you have made/product you are most proud of and why?
That remains Diploma Safe Internet the Game. That is an online game for children between the ages of 8 and 12 in which they learn about the Internet. The game has been played by more than 100,000 children across the country. It was ideal to do together on the IWB, but also to play on your own. I invented the game and developed it with two programmers and a designer. When I later stood in a classroom and saw how children used it, I did feel proud. I got a lot of positive feedback from teachers. They found the game ideal for covering the topic in class.

How do we see your personality reflected in your work?
I have a positive attitude and try to radiate that to my colleagues and associates. I think in possibilities and get happy when my enthusiasm is contagious.
What is your favorite way to unwind after a busy work week?
Playing tennis, playing the piano, chilling in the garden, playing games with others or alone at the computer or just lying on the couch with legs stretched out with a movie.
People would be surprised if they knew about me that….
I used to do Lindy hopping. Don’t know what that is? Check it out here.

More about Lennard
As account manager I am the first point of contact for our existing and new customers.
I talk to our customers to understand their needs and then work to come up with a creative and appropriate concept.
Before becoming an account manager, I worked for years as a Digital Learning Specialist at inBrain.
As a result, I know the entire development process from idea to product.
That experience helps me provide clients with the most appropriate advice.