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Relay column

Working not for, but with our customers.

estafettecolumn Maurice
Maurice Project Manager
About our relay column

In our monthly relay column, one of our inBrainers gives his or her personal perspective on a topic within digital learning, and then passes the baton to a colleague.

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Hi Fleur,

Thanks for your question, I would be happy to tell you more about this!

One of the best things about working at inBrain is that you get to work with many different clients. You get to visit different places and learn about things you didn’t know existed. I deliberately say ‘working with clients’ because in a project we really need the client to come up with a good learning solution.


Coming up with the best learning solutions together

As a project manager, I therefore always try to ensure that we do not work for a client, but together with the client. Because my experience is that co-creation leads to the best learning solutions. At inBrain we have a lot of experience and expertise in online learning, didactics, design and project management. But in every phase of the project we also need the client. We prefer to do a kick-off on location to taste the atmosphere and get a feeling for the client. At the start of a project it is nice to sit together around a real table, get acquainted and express what we expect from each other. In the analysis phase, a target group session is almost always a must so that we can create an appropriate solution. What does the target group need? What do they enjoy? How do they like to learn? Etc.


Functioning like a sponge

At the beginning of the design phase, we function like a sponge because we want to soak up all the content from the client’s experts on the topic. In the working session, we go deeper into the content based on the learning objectives we have established together with the client. What always helps us a lot is if the client can provide as much relevant content as possible even before the work session, so that we can read up and ask targeted questions during the work session. This way, with the help of the client, we make the content our own and can get to work designing the learning solution.

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